Our services


We offer independent and rigorous assurance to our non-consulting clients. Report assurance, audits and footprint verification.

Report Assurance

Test or confirm to your stakeholders that your non-financial report meets GRI Standards, SASB, CDP, TCFD Recommendations, Science Based Targets and other international standards, while we follow the right assurance standards from our side: AA1000 AS and/or ISEA 3000.


Get a second-party, independent and objective assesment of your organization compliance with your strategy, international standards, regulations and good practices.

footprint verification

Footprint verification

Verify your carbon and water footprint with an independent and objective organization. Add credibility, visibility and, more importantly, improve your footprinting process.

Conflict of Interest Policy:

SUST4IN does not provide third-party or public assurance to clients which were assisted with consulting, customized intelligence or training the previous two years.

We are a network of expert professionals on sustainability.

SUST4IN supports:

Inclusive Capitalism with the Vatican
Grupo Español de Crecimiento Verde
New Plastics Global Commitment
Sustainable Development Goals