CSDDD draft approved

CSDDD draft approved

13th March 2024
The Belgian Presidency of the Council of European Union has just announced that the new text of the Corporate Sustainability Due Dilligence Directive (CSDDD) has been agreed by the permanent ambassadors in Brussels.The latest 123 pages text has been watered down and the scope was also limited explicitly to reduce the number of EU and non-EU companies that will fall under the scope of the Directive (from 500 employees to 1000, from EUR 150 million turnover to EUR 450 million).In any case, the CSDDD is very important:
  1. It goes beyond transparency and the CSRD/ESRS with clear behaviour requirements for companies and their directors
  2. It includes the value chain
  3. It encompasses environment and human rights
  4. It creates a level praying field (for large companies at least)
See more in the full text below, including the compromises…Next: EU Commission and EU Parliament… before elections!

Complete text here


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